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Senior Thesis Reflection

The Pennsylvania State University Senior Thesis Project was created to give students a basic understanding of how to effectively interpret and analyze different building systems. The building systems were analyzed in order to improve the overall quality and design of a building project which is currently being constructed. During the Fall 2014 Semester, construction management students had to complete three different technical reports and a final proposal. The technical reports were used to analyze the current building systems and analyze the construction process involved for the project. A final proposal was then developed to describe the intentions of each student for their work in the Spring 2015 semester.

During the Spring 2015 semester, four analyses were developed and used to analyze potential issues in the current project and to also come up with solutions that provide a higher quality and more efficient design.

Overall senior thesis taught me how to take a real world situation, find potential problems with it and then develop ideas to solve those problems. This year has been a great learning experience and I feel I am more than prepared to enter the construction industry with the knowledge and skills learned throughout this program.

CPEP Reflection

The Capstone E-Portfolio was used to provide an interactive way to display my research, assignments, and completed work to my peers, the AE faculty at Penn State, a variety of industry members, and my friends and family. This portfolio was challenging at some points and took a good amount of time to learn the different software and programs needed to be able to create my unique website. Overall the experience and knowledge learned while creating the portfolio improved my web and communication skills that will help me in my future professional endeavors in the construction industry.