Dr. Conrad S. Tucker

Dr. Conrad Tucker holds a joint appointment as Associate Professor in Engineering Design and Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. He is also affiliate faculty in Computer Science and Engineering. Dr. Tucker is the director of the Design Analysis Technology Advancement (D.A.T.A) Laboratory. His research focuses on the design and optimization of systems through the acquisition, integration and mining of large scale, disparate data.

Dr. Tucker has served as PI/Co-PI on several federally funded grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR). He is currently serving as PI and Site Director of the NSF Center for Health Organization Transformation (CHOT), an NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center at Penn State. Dr. Tucker is the recipient of the American Society of the Engineering Education’s (ASEE) Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP) award and conducted research at the Air Force Institute of Technology at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base during Summer 2014 and Summer 2015. Dr. Tucker is part of the inaugural class of the Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) program, funded by a $1 billion grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Graduate Institution: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign     
 Ph.D.  Industrial & Systems Engineering (Ph.D. advisor: Dr. Harrison Kim)           05/2007-05/2011
 MBA Business Administration                                                                                                 01/2007-05/2009
 M.S.  Industrial & Systems Engineering                                                                               08/2005-05/2007  
Undergraduate Institution: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology  
B.S  Mechanical Engineering                                                                                                    08/2000-05/2004                    

Minor: Economics 

Current Ph.D. Students

Photo Name Research Interests Degree Sought Department
Christian Lopez Bencosme Co-robot-Human Interactions/ Gamification in Engineering Design Ph.D. Industrial Engineering
James Cunningham Deep Learning/Reinforcement Learning Ph.D. Computer Science and Engineering
Sakthi Prakash Machine Vision/Machine Learning Ph.D. Industrial Engineering
          Dule Shu Generative Design, Deep Learning Ph.D. Industrial Engineering

Current Masters Students

Photo Name Research Interests Degree Sought Department
Chonghan Lee Social Media Networks/ Machine Learning M.S. Computer Science and Engineering

Current Undergraduate Students

Photo Name Research Interests Degree Sought Department
Brianna Drummond 3D Product Design B.S. Computer Science and Engineering
           Raj Desai Networks/User Interface B.S. Computer Science and Engineering
            Pranav Jain Machine Learning B.S. Computer Science and Engineering
           Sen Lu Computer Vision/Robot Navigation/ML B.S. Computer Science and Engineering
            Dina Munyana Virtual Reality/Simulation B.S. Computer Engineering
Deven Patel Text Mining/Product Design B.S. Computer Science and Engineering
Gerard Pugliese Machine Learning/Image Processing B.S. Computer Science and Engineering


Name Research Interests Degree Attained Employment
Shruthi Bezawada Machine Learning/Affective Design M.S. in Industrial Engineering Ernst and Young
Ajay Bharathi Virtual Reality/Gamification M.S. in Industrial Engineering Dell
Brandon Daveler 3D Modeling, Exoskeleton Design B.S. (Schreyers Honors College) in Engineering Science Graduate Studies at the University of Pittsburgh
Matthew Dering Machine Learning/Deep Learning Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering N/A
Bryan Dickens MOOCs, Text Mining, Virtual Reality B.S. (Schreyers Honors College) in Computer Science and Engineering Microsoft
Sunghoon Lim Social Media Networks/ Text Mining Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
DeRauk Gibble
 Computer Vision/Kinect
B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering
Yixiang Han Data Mining, Systems Emergence M.S. in Industrial Engineering Discover Financial Inc.
Suja John Product Life Cycle Optimization, Data Mining M.S. in Industrial Engineering Data Scientist
Licheng Jiang Virtual Reality B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering N/A
Sungwoo Kang Product Design/Text Mining Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Inha University
Gautam Manohar Machine Learning, Computer Vision M.Eng. in Industrial Engineering PWC
Chinmay Sane Product Life Cycle Optimization, Data Mining M.S. in Industrial Engineering Sandisk Inc.
Abhinav Singh Product Design M.S. Industrial Engineering N/A
Haojun Sui Machine Learning/Product Design B.S. Honors Computer Science and Engineering
Suppawong Tuarob Document Information Extraction, Text Mining Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering;  M.S. in Industrial Engineering
Mahidol University
Nitish Vasudevan 3D Modeling, Product Lifecycle Optimization, Data Mining M.S. in Industrial Engineering Bloom Energy
Victoria Zhao Virtual Design B.S. Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student at Purdue University