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Research in the Water Resources Engineering group covers a wide range of topics and uses a wide range of methodologies, from theoretical to experimental (lab & field), to computational.  Detailed descriptions of research projects are found at individual faculty members' websites.  Summaries of representative projects are provided below.

  • Tidal Modeling of Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
    • Investigator: David Hill
    • Sponsor: National Park Service
    • Summary:  Glacier Bay is a recently deglaciated fjord system in southeast Alaska.  Its importance derives from its function as a 'living laboratory' within which to study climate change and the interactions between marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems.  PSU researchers have been studying the tidal circulation patterns in the bay and the timing and magnitude of freshwater inputs to the bay.  The results of this research will be used by park biologists to better manage the resources of this extraordinary system.
      Returning to the R/V Capelin
      Margerie Glacier
      Returning to the R/V Capelin, operated by the NPS.
      Views of the tidewater Margerie Glacier from Tarr Inlet.