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Robert Felsburg - Outstanding Engineering Alumni 2014

Robert Felsburg

Robert Felsburg graduated with a BS in Civil Engineering in 1970 and a MS in Civil Engineering in 1972. As an undergraduate, he was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Tau, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi and Blue Key Honor Societies and was President of Acacia Fraternity. As a graduate student, Bob conducted highway safety research at the Pennsylvania Transportation and Traffic Safety Center (now the Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute). Upon graduation, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army Corps of Engineers. Bob then went on to work as a transportation engineer with HDR and PRC Engineering in Omaha, Nebraska; Berkeley, California; and Denver, Colorado.

In 1984, he co-founded the firm of Felsburg Holt & Ullevig in Denver to provide transportation services to both the public and the private sectors. Celebrating 30 years of success this coming year, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig has grown into a firm of 125 professionals in four offices in Colorado and Nebraska with a sterling reputation throughout the Rocky Mountain Region and the Midwest for multimodal planning, traffic engineering, environmental services, and civil and structural engineering design. The firm has been recognized as the Employer of the Year by the Women’s Transportation Seminar and as the Small Business of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce. After 14 years as the President of the firm, Bob currently serves as the Chairman. He is a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and he is very active in the American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado (ACEC/CO). He has served as President and National Director of ACEC/CO, and in 2012 Bob was honored with the Orley O. Phillips Award, ACEC’s highest honor for outstanding contributions to the consulting engineering profession.

At Penn State, Bob currently serves on the Industrial and Professional Advisory Council to the College of Engineering. In the community, he volunteers with the Boy Scouts of America and works to rehabilitate abused and neglected horses at the Denver Dumb Friends League’s Harmony Equine Center.


Robert Alger President and chief executive officer of the Lane Construction Corporation, Cheshire, Connecticut, Robert Alger ('79, CE), elected distinguished member of ASCE.

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New engineering scholarship honors founder of Pittsburgh firm.

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Jeremy Beck ('02 CE) promoted to senior associate by Dewberry

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Open Roads Consulting appoints Jeffrey Arch ('84, CE) as Director for the Northeast Region

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Gary Maring ('64, CE), has recently authored a book entitled "Faith, Social Justice, and Public Policy." The book is available on Amazon.


President and chief executive officer of the Lane Construction Corporation, Cheshire, Connecticut, Robert Alger ('79, CE), elected distinguished member of ASCE, the highest honor conferred by the Society. The featured artical is in the May 2012 ASCE News.