Jason Weaver
Penn State Architectural Engineering
Lighting/Electrical Option

Ann and Richard Barshinger
Life Sciences & Philosophy Building
Franklin and Marshall College


Thesis Research

ASHRAE 90.1-2004. “Energy Standards for Building Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.” ASHRAE, 2004.

This is the major energy code for lighting in the United States. It includes upper limits for energy budgets and means/methods for determining compliance.

Hughes, David S. Electrical Systems in Buildings. 1988.

This textbook contains information on general electrical distribution systems, and was a good resource for calculations.

Kooiman, Brent. "Aluminum vs. Copper Conductors – A Serious Alternative?" Interstates Engineering (2006).

This article gave good insight into the reasonability of using aluminum feeders in place of copper. It discussed pros and cons, as well as proper installation for aluminum wiring.

Mehta, Madan, Jim Johnson, and Jorge Rocafort. Architectural Acoustics - Principles and Design. 1999.

This textbook was a big help in determining the design of the lecture hall ceiling. In addition, it provided a lot of material data and a good amount of acoustical standards and practices.

National Electric Code. NFPA 70, 2005.

This is the electrical code for the United States. Among many other things, it contains calculation methodology and maximum ampacity for copper and aluminum wire of different sizes.

Rea, Mark S., ed. The IESNA Lighting Handbook. 9th ed. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 2000.

This is the major lighting guiding document for the United States (it is not a code). Among other things, it contains illuminance recommendations, light loss factor guidelines, and design criteria for most spaces.

RS Means Electrical Cost Data. 2008.

This is a reference book containing general cost data for all components of an electrical distribution system.

















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