DEVELOPED BY ECSEL AT PENN STATE UNIVERSITY with funding from the National Science Foundation

ITOW Workshops

Setting up an ITOW Workshop

ITOW Workshop Materials

ITOW Faculty Workshop

ITOW Facilitator Workshop

  What are the ITOW Workshops?

There are two kinds of ITOW workshops. One is a facilitated workshop for faculty who are interested in learning more about the learning environment; we'll refer to this as the "faculty workshop". The other is for persons who wish to become facilitators who can facilitate the ITOW faculty workshop just mentioned; we'll refer to this workshop as the "facilitator workshop".

What are the objectives of the "Faculty Workshop"?
During the faculty workshop, trained facilitators work with faculty to:

  • raise awareness about the learning environment and its impact
  • engender discussion about the learning environment
  • generate and discuss known strategies for improving the learning environment, and
  • provide a log of workshop discussion topics to faculty group leaders in order to enable future actions on this topic

Learn more about the ITOW Faculty Workshop

What are the objectives of the "Facilitator Workshop"?
During the facilitator workshop, participants will:

  • reach an understanding of what the learning environment is, how it impacts learning, and how to productively address this topic with faculty members
  • learn a method for conducting the ITOW faculty workshop
  • learn the methodology on which the video production is based
  • practice facilitating the workshop
  • receive copies of all materials necessary to conduct the ITOW workshop

Learn more about the ITOW Facilitator Workshop


  How do I find out about setting up an ITOW workshop?

How do I set up a Facilitator Workshop?

If you wish to set up a facilitator workshop, send an email to Include your name, institutional affiliation and your specific interests.

How do I set up a Faculty Workshop?

In order to facilitate an ITOW Faculty workshop at your institution, you must either become a trained facilitator, or contact a trained facilitator to conduct the workshop. Click here to find out about becoming a trained facilitator. Send email to to inquire about a trained facilitator coming to your institution to conduct a workshop.


  How can I obtain a copy of the ITOW workshop supporting materials?

How can I obtain a copy of the ITOW video?

If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the ITOW video, send email to explaining your request. There will be a charge for materials, shipping and handling.

Where can I obtain workshop supporting materials?

All workshop supporting materials are available on Resources web page.


  What is the ITOW Faculty workshop?

The ITOW faculty workshop is a one-hour workshop centered around the ITOW video. The workshop is designed to engender discussion, thought and action among faculty members about the learning environment in and beyond engineering classrooms. Through the video-based workshop participants can identify and address "underground" climate issues, creating an open discussion about the experience of underrepresented students within the context of the overall learning environment.
ITOW raises issues about the experiences of all engineering students in the classroom, about what responsibility faculty members and students have for learning, and about how faculty can positively impact the learning environment.

What will I learn as part of this workshop?
During the faculty workshop, trained facilitators work with faculty to:

  • raise awareness about the learning environment and its impact
  • engender discussion about the learning environment
  • generate and discuss known strategies for improving the learning environment
  • provide a log of workshop discussion topics to faculty group leaders in order to enable future actions on this topic

Who is the intended audience?
The ITOW Faculty workshop is intended for engineering faculty members from all types of institutions. Graduate students who teach undergraduate engineering students may also benefit from the workshop. We recognize that other members of academic institutions, such as staff, also impact the learning environment however this workshop was specifically designed for faculty members and does not work well for staff.

What is the format?
The workshop is conducted in approximately a one-hour time period, making them easy to incorporate into a regular faculty meeting. The workshop is centered around a 14-minute video where students face the camera to tell their story directly to workshop participants, providing the opportunity to see the classroom, lab and outside-the-class activities a these students experience it.

  1. Workshops begin with a clear statement of the underlying premise -- that a poor learning environment can get in the way of even the best teaching and that a positive learning environment can allow all types of students to achieve maximally
  2. Facilitators explain the methodology used to develop the video to participants
  3. The video is divided into three segments. Participants view each segment, and then participate in facilitated discussion after each section.
  4. Discussion focuses on issues raised by the video and sharing strategies for improving the learning environment.
  5. Facilitators conclude the workshop by summarizing the discussions, distributing a tips sheet of strategies for improving the learning environment, and conducting a workshop evaluation.


  What is the ITOW Facilitator workshop?

The ITOW Facilitator's workshop trains individuals and institutional teams to facilitate the ITOW Faculty workshop. The workshop will expose participants to "In Their Own Words", a video-based workshop developed by the ECSEL coalition at Penn State, targeted toward engineering faculty and designed to enhance the overall learning environment.

What will I learn as part of this workshop?
During the facilitator workshop, participants will:

  • reach an understanding of what the learning environment is, how it impacts learning, and how to productively address this topic with faculty members
  • learn a method for conducting the ITOW faculty workshop
  • learn the methodology on which the video production is based
  • practice facilitating the workshop
  • receive copies of all materials necessary to conduct the ITOW workshop

How long is the workshop?
The workshop can be conducted in a minimum of four hours and is enhanced in a six hour version.

Who should attend?
The target audience for this workshop is engineering faculty members and administrators who would be your institution's facilitation team for the ITOW Faculty workshop. You'll be most successful if you send a team of two to three potential facilitators.

What is the workshop format?
Participants don't just sit and listen! They work in small teams to participate in practice facilitation sessions with the ITOW video and other workshop materials. They also have an opportunity to develop an implementation plan for this workshop for their own institutions.



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