Phase 2 New Building

John Tyler Community College, Midlothian, VA



Construction Management Option

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


Thesis Proposal

UPDATED Revised Thesis Proposal (3.16.10)- I have updated my proposal and progress report to reflect my recent edits to my breadth topics. Analysis has already been performed in the newly updated breadth area as well as the old breadth analysis.

The structural breadth has changed from the second analysis topic of analyzing the structural impacts on removing a green roof and installing a "cool" roof to the first analysis topic of analyzing the structural impacts on adding the precast brick facade in place of the hand laid brick. This change allows for a better understood structural breadth on the change in the brick facade and allows the roofing system changes to be concentrated on a critical industry issue topic of energy and the economy.

This proposal serves as an outline for the research and analyses proposed for spring semester thesis.  After further review, research has been focused on a few key concepts.  Initial investigations were performed to determine the feasibility of this proposal.   The analysis descriptions will highlight three main topics which will be the focus of the spring semester thesis with a consistent theme of quality control.

UPDATED Revised Exectutive Summary & Breadth Topics (3.16.10) - This update changes my structural breadth to be within the analysis topic of an alternate facade system of precast concrete brick panels in lieu of the hand laid brick system. The structural calculations are much better understood within this area of analysis, rather than the previous structural breadth of analysis for an alternate roofing system.

MAE Requirements

To satisfy the MAE requirement, I will be demonstrating knowledge learned from AE 542: Building Enclosure Science and Design which focuses on developing an understanding of the nature, importance, functions, and performance of the building envelope in general.  This will be valuable for my analysis of the Brick Façade.
I will also demonstrate knowledge gained from AE 597D: Sustainable Building Methods which focuses on strategies and technologies for green buildings and sustainable construction and an understanding of how to minimize the impacts of buildings on the environment.  I will use this knowledge in deciding on alternative materials through value engineering such as a precast brick wall system and a light “cool” roof system.
Additionally, methods taught in AE 572: Project Development and Delivery Planning will be used to create a life-cycle cost analysis between the green roof and alternative “cool” roof system to determine the feasibility of each system and the financial benefit to the owner.






UPDATED Revised Thesis Proposal (2.17.10)- I have updated my progress report to reflect a recent change to my Thesis Proposal.  I have dropped an analysis topic, which was proving to be a difficult area of analysis.  The analysis topic I chose to drop was in Building Information Modeling.  I still have three solid analysis topics, of which two still contain my original breadth studies.

The BIM analysis topic was focused on the benefits and ability of leveraging a Building Information Model(BIM) for prefabrication. Also, the topic focused on the comparison of field quality control strategies in conjunction with the BIM model to determine “best practices” which can make a case for using a BIM model on this project.

I am confident that dropping this area of research will not hurt my Final Report and should allow for additional time for strengthening my other three topics. 

This proposal serves as an outline for the research and analyses proposed for spring semester thesis.  After further review, research has been focused on a few key concepts.  Initial investigations were performed to determine the feasibility of this proposal.   The analysis descriptions will highlight three main topics which will be the focus of the spring semester thesis with a consistent theme of quality control.

Revised Thesis Proposal (1.15.10)- This proposal serves as an outline for the research and analyses proposed for spring semester thesis.  After brainstorming some initial ideas, research has been focused on a few key concepts.  Initial investigations were performed to determine the feasibility of this proposal.   The analysis descriptions will highlight four main topics which will be the focus of the spring semester thesis with a consistent theme of quality control.

Thesis Proposal - This proposal serves as an outline for the research and analyses proposed for spring semester thesis.  After brainstorming some initial ideas, research has been focused on a few key concepts.  Initial investigations were performed to determine the feasibility of this proposal.   The analysis descriptions will highlight four main topics which will be the focus of the spring semester thesis with a consistent theme of quality control.

Revised Exectutive Summary & Breadth Topics (1.15.10)

Exectutive Summary & Breadth Topics



Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Dennis V. Walter Jr. |
This Page was last updated on April 6, 2010 , By Dennis V. Walter Jr. and is hosted by the AE Department ©2009