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Harleman Lecture

In 2002, The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering instituted the annual Donald R.F. Harleman Honorary Lecture in Environmental Fluid Mechanics.  Dr. Harleman (B.S., PSU, 1943) was awarded the Penn State Outstanding Alumni Award in 1979 and was named a Penn State Alumni Fellow in 1987.  He is a Ford Emeritus Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a member of the National Academy.

The yearly lecture is intended to enrich the faculty and students in the Water Resources Divison of Penn State's CEE Department by providing contact with outstanding researchers and practitioners in the field from outside the university.

Dr. Joseph Reed, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at Penn State provided the initial grant to establish this honorary lecture series.  Additional tax-deductible contributions may be made by individuals or organizations wishing to help endow the series.