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Seminar Series

Each year, the Water Resources Group holds a seminar series. Anyone with an interest in water resources engineering is encouraged to attend and register for the course. A special invitation is extended to undergraduate students as this series is an ideal opportunity to learn about graduate research.   Seminars are generally over lunch and are 'brown-bag' in nature.  Feel free to bring a lunch and lots of good questions with you.

Spring 2006
January 13th - Katie Goodwin, PSU
Technology transfer for flood forecasting and management in South Africa

January 27th - Maitreya Yadav, PSU
Regionalization of dynamic watershed response behavior

February 10th - Gopal Bhatt, PSU
Automated detection and spatio-temporal classification of channel reaches in semi-arid southwestern U.S.

February 24th - Joe Lee and Arianne Proctor, PA DEP
Ground water monitoring and TMDL development in support of source water protection for the Octoraro Creek in Pennsylvania

March 3rd - Dr. Dave DeWalle, PSU

March 24th - Kamini Singha, PSU
Integration of geophysical methods into hydrogeologic studies: the issues with spatially variable method resolution

April 14th - Dr. Donna Rizzo, University of Vermont
Adaptive prediction of local disease risk indicators using multi-scale weather, land and crop data

April 21st - Dr. Michael Mann, PSU
Large-scale climate influences on drought: past, present and future

April 28th - Dr. Danny Marks, USDA
Interaction between climate, tolography, vegetation, and snowcover in semi-arid mountain catchments

Spring 2005
January 14th - Dr. Thorsten Wagener, PSU
How to give a presentation and take notes

January 28th - Dr. Peggy Johnson, PSU
Stream stability around bridges

February 11th - Yong Tang, PSU
Comparison of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for hydrologic model calibration

February 25th - Dr. Brian McGlynn, Montana State University
On landscape connectivity and water flowpaths

March 18th - Dr. David Hill, PSU
The history and science of tsunamis

April 1st - Dr. Chris Rehmann, Iowa State University
Efficient measurements of river mixing

April 15th - Dr. Ana Barros, Duke University
Observing, understanding and modeling precipitation processes in complex terrain - lessons learned in the Himalaya

April 29th - Brian Younkin, PSU
Hydraulic scour due to planar jets

Spring 2004

January 16th - Venkat Devireddy, Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, PSU
Multiobjective groundwater monitoring design: a case study using e-NGSA-II

January 30th - Sue Niezgoda, PSU
Restoring form and processes in urban streams

February 20th - Mukesh Kumar, PSU
Feature selection for classification of hyperspectral remotely sensed image

February 27th - Dr. Doug Thompson
River restoration and fluvial geomorphology: past, present and future

March 19th - Dr. Ximing Cai
A framework for sustainability analysis in river basin planning and management

April 2nd - Justin Lennon, M.S. Candidate, PSU
Application of particle image velocimetry to the hydraulic jump

April 9th - Peter Beeson
Geodatabase development in support of integrated hydrologic forecasting for an ungaged ephemeral channel: Rio Salado, New Mexico

April 30th - Dr. Howard Chang
Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China

Spring 2003

January 17th - David Black, Biohabitats, Inc.
Nine Mile Run Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project

January 31st - Dr. David F. Hill, PSU
To boat or not to boat? Recreational impacts and conflicts on the Chilkat River, Alaska

February 21st - Dr. Ying Fan Reinfelder, Rutgers University
Modelling watershed runoff: is there a fundamental scale?

March 7th - Dr. Patrick Reed, PSU
Striking the balance: long term groundwater monitoring design for multiple objectives

March 21st - Dr. Christine Shoemaker, Cornell University
Pollution transport in watersheds: modeling, calibration, and uncertainty

Wednesday, April 2nd - Dr. Chris Duffy, PSU *** CANCELLED ***

April 18th - Mike Horst, PSU
PIV and its application to hydraulic engineering research

May 2nd - Dr. Jeffrey Niemann, PSU
Water resources engineering for an orphanage in Guatemala

Spring 2002

January 14th - Dr. David F. Hill, PSU
Particle image velocimetry measurements of a turbulent jet in shallow water.

January 28th - Peter von Zweck, CH2M Hill
Hydraulic analyses of stormwater treatment areas in south Florida

February 11th - Sue Niezgoda, PSU
Channel instability and scour protection at bridge crossings

February 25th - Dr. Joe Atkinson, SUNY Buffalo
Thermal bars in the Great Lakes.

February 27th - Dr. Howard Chang, San Diego State University
Modeling of River Channel Changes. Note the date of this seminar! There will not be a seminar on 3/11, so please attend this one instead.

March 25th - Dr. Chris Duffy, PSU
Drinking water security and municipal wellhead protection.

April 8th - Michele Beachler, PSU
Hydrodynamic impacts of recreational watercraft in shallow lakes.

April 22nd - Norm Folmar, PSU
A return period specific unit hydrograph.

Spring 2001

January 15th - Dr. David F. Hill, PSU
Growth rates and equilibrium amplitudes of seismically forced waves in closed basins.

January 29th - Dr. Chris Duffy, PSU
Climate Forcing and Mountain-Front Hydrogeology: Explanations for Low-Frequency Streamflow and Closed-Basin Lake Oscillations

February 12th - Dr. Jeffrey Niemann, PSU
A Derived Distribution Approach to Regional Water Balance

February 26th - Dr. Denny Johnson, Juniata College
Compilation and Analysis of Snowpack Data for the Lake Superior Basin

March 12th - Dr. David Kriebel, USNA
An Overview of Coastal Engineering: Design for Success and Design for 'Failure'

March 26th - Dr. Andrew Cole, PSU
All I ever need to know about creating a wetland I learned from Humpty Dumpty

April 9th - Dr. Tony Dalrymple, University of Delaware

April 23rd - Dr. Kendra Sharp, AIP Congressional Fellow
Science and Technology on Capitol Hill

Spring 2000

January 19th - Dr. David F. Hill, PSU
The implementation of distortion compensated stereo PIV

February 16th - Dr. Peggy Johnson, PSU
Controlling scour at bridges

February 29th - Norm Folmar, PSU
Historical perspective of the NRCS lag time

March 15th - Dr. David Brandes, Lafayette College
Macropore effects on surface vs. subsurface runoff generation at the hillslope scale

March 29th - Eric Brown, PSU
A post-construction management approach to stream enhancement projects

April 12th - Kris Sedmera, PSU
Methods for identifying climate and land-use effects in the runoff pattern from a watershed

April 26th - Dr. Chris Duffy, PSU
The Rio Grande and the water cycle: a study of low-frequency hydroclimatic variability