Graduate Teaching Assistant Training (ENGR 888/TA Orientation)

To determine whether you should enroll in ENGR 888, attend the College of Engineering TA Orientation, or neither, please see which criteria best fits your situation:

ENGR 888

  • You have a teaching appointment in the College of Engineering.
  • You have taught in the College of Engineering previously.
  • You have NOT yet taken ENGR 888.
  • You are responsible for required class time (ie, lecture time, lab time, recitation time, or any other time students are required to attend as listed in the class schedule. This does not include office hours).

TA Orientation

  • You have a teaching appointment in the College of Engineering.
  • You have NOT taught in the College of Engineering previously.
  • You are NOT responsible for required class time (ie, lecture time, lab time, recitation time, or any other time students are required to attend as listed in the class schedule. This does not include office hours).
  • One or more of the following situations apply to you:
    • You are responsible for office hours and grading.
    • You are responsible for ONLY grading.
    • You are responsible for ONLY office hours.
    • None of these situations apply to you: Contact Dr. Stephanie Cutler to discuss.

Have you already taken ENGR 888?



The Leonhard Center for Enhancement of Engineering Education was established in 1990 by an endowment from William and Wyllis Leonhard. Its mission is to catalyze the changes that are crucial to maintaining world-class engineering education at Penn State. In 2006 the Leonhard Center became the home for two other major programs that support teaching and learning in the College - the Office of Assessment & Instructional Support and Programs for Engineering Writing & Speaking.

The Leonhard Center

201 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710

Phone: 814-865-4020