Technical Assignments

Technical Assignment 1

This technical assignment provides an introduction to the existing conditions of the Maryland General Hospital Central Care Expansion project, and the construction management techniques employed by the Barton Malow Company to successfully deliver the project.    This report will present and analyze the project summary schedule, the building systems, project cost, existing conditions, local conditions, project delivery system, and the project staffing plan.

Technical Assignment 2

This technical assignment will examine the construction techniques utilized on the Maryland General Hospital Project and summarize the findings of the PACE Roundtable (10/16/08) event.  This technical assignment will provide an analysis of the project though a detailed project schedule, site layout diagrams, a detailed structural system estimate, and a general conditions estimate.  Additionally, this assignment will examine the critical industry issues addressed at the PACE Roundtable and determine any applicable issues that could be applied to Maryland General Hospital.

Technical Assignment 3

This technical assignment will summarize the several interviews that I had with the project staff to determine some of the constructability challenges, schedule acceleration scenarios, and value engineering topics that exist for the project.  Additionally, the report will address some of the opportunities for resolution which I have identified for the project and begin to address possible technical analysis for my senior thesis project.

Tech 1 (pdf 2.3MB)

Tech 2



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