tech reports

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[Williamstown, MA | Asher Harder | L/E]

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Technical Report 1 inivestigates the existing lighting conditions of the project. The lighting systems, lighting hardware, and spatial environment for five building spaces are described in detail. Additionally, the qualitative and quantitative requirements for lighting the spaces are identified and reported. Technical Report 1 lays the foundation of existing conditions and criteria that will be necessary to complete the remainder of the design project efficiently and correctly.

Technical Report 2 investigates the existing electrical conditions of the project. The electrical systems, electrical hardware, and spatial characteristics of each system are described in detail. A summary of total building loads is included in addition to single line diagrams for the facility. Also included in this report is a description of the building's different communication systems.

Technical Report 3 is submitted in presentation format and focuses on the schematic lighting designs for the building spaces described in detail in Technical Report 1. This report investigates Tadao Ando's style, his previous work, and the art that The Clark houses. This knowledge is then used to create schematic designs for the spaces with will support the architecture and provide a pleasant space for the guests.