
Lighting Depth

The lighting depth will include redesigned lighting for the main lobby, the facade, the concert hall, and the rehearsal room. New lighting designs will be created with the goal of making the spaces welcoming to students and guests of the center.

MAE study

For my MAE topic, I will conduct a daylighting simulation of the main lobby using knowledge of Radiance from Flux Transfer Theory.

Electrical Depth

The electrical work consists of four parts:

Acoustical Breadth

The acoustical breadth study will look at alternate acoustical control systems, focusing on options to replace the acoustic curtains, and how to pair acoustical systems with the existing architecture as well as architectural modifications made in my other breadth.

Architectural Breadth

Also focused on the auditorium, the architectural breadth will make significant changes to the architecture with the goal of supporting a radically different house lighting design. As outlined in my lighting goals, the objective will be to create a welcoming, relaxed environment, while meeting all of the space's needs.

Download the revised proposal here.

Download the original proposal here.