Timothy Maffett Construction Management Research Facility Core and Shell (RFCS) San Anto, California


Student Biography
Building Statistics
Thesis Abstract
Technical Assignments
Thesis Research
Thesis Proposal
Final Report
Senior Thesis e-Studio



Technical Reports


Technical Report 1

The purpose of Technical Report 1 is to give a better understanding of the project and its scope, the systems within, and the area where it is built. Contained in this report are details that will orient the reader with Research Facility Core and Shell and familiarize them with the project that will be under study for this researcher's senior thesis. Please click the image below to view the report.


Technical Report 2

Contained in Technical Report 2 is a detailed project schedule, a detailed structural system estimate, a general conditions estimate, a building information modeling use evaluation, and a summary of the constructability challenges the team faced at Research Facility Core and Shell. Please click the image below to view the report.


Technical Report 3

Contained in Technical Report 3 is a LEED evaluation, a summary of schedule acceleration scenarios, value engineering topics, critical industry issues, and problem identification and technical analysis options in relation to Research Facility Core and Shell. Please click the image below to view the report.















This page was last updated on 10/12/12, by Timothy Maffett and is hosted by the AE Department ©2012