Two courses in sustainable and “green” building methods are currently offered in the Department of Architectural Engineering for students in AE, Architecture, Landscape Architecture and other related disciplines.

Course Number AE 297H / AE 497H (Integrated course)
Title Sustainable American Indian Housing (Spring)
Purpose Students examine how sustainable building methods like strawbale construction can be utilized to improve the poor living conditions in impoverished American Indian communities.
Instructors David Riley, Michael Rios, Scott Wing

Course Number AE 597
Title Sustainable Building Methods (Fall)
Purpose Introduces upper division and graduate students to concepts of sustainability to in building design, including alternative building materials, and the LEED building efficiency rating system.
Instructors David Riley

[ Introduction ] [ Course Info ] [ AE 297H / AE 497H ] [ AE 597 ] [ Research Overview ] [ Current Research ]
[ Completed Projects ] [ Partners ] [ Get Involved: Students ] [ Get Involved: Alumni ]

Direct questions and comments to the webmaster. Photos: Kate Moxham.