About Us

Hello! We are the product dissection team from the Brite Lab and the Leadership and Innovation Lab (LIL). Over the last few years, we have conducted research in engineering classrooms to understand how product dissection impacts learning and creativity during the design process. This work is sponsored through the National Science Foundation under grant number 14630009 awarded to Dr. Scarlett Miller (Brite Lab) and Dr. Sam Hunter (LIL). Get to know our team and our research by exploring the links below

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Confidently Exploring The Solution Space: The Within-Subject Effects Of Product Dissection On Design Variety And Creative Self-Efficacy
Elizabeth Starkey, Mohammad Alsager Alzayed, Sam Hunter, and Scarlett Miller
ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference , August 26-29 2018, Quebec, Canada
Fixated on Fixation? An Exploration of the Benefits and Deficits of Design “fixation” in Engineering Design
Elizabeth Starkey, Wendy Zeng, and Scarlett Miller
ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference , August 26-29 2018, Quebec, Canada
Piecing Together Product Dissection: How Dissection Conditions Impact Student Learning and Cognitive Load
Elizabeth Starkey, Alex McKay, Sam Hunter, and Scarlett Miller
Journal of Mechanical Design, 2018
Are Creativity and Self-Efficacy At Odds? an Exploration in Variations Of Product Dissection in Engineering Education
Elizabeth Starkey, Sam Hunter, and Scarlett Miller
Journal of Mechanical Design, in Press
Do Technological Advancements Lead to Learning Enhancements? An Exploration in Virtual Product Dissection
Elizabeth Starkey, Cailyn Spencer, Kevin Lesniak, Conrad Tucker and Scarlett Miller
ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference , August 6-9 2017, Cleveland, OH
Let's get Physical? The Impact of Dissection Modality on Engineering Student Design Learning
Elizabeth Starkey, Alex McKay, Sam Hunter and Scarlett Miller
ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, August 22-24 2016, Charlotte, NC
Harnessing the Power of Fixation for Design Creativity.
Alex McKay, Sam Hunter, Clayton Meisel, Elizabeth Starkey, and Scarlett Miller
American Psychological Association Annual Convention, August 4-7 2016, Denver, CO
Dissecting creativity: How dissection virtuality, analogical distance, and product complexity impact creativity and self-efficacy.
Elizabeth Starkey, Alex McKay, Sam Hunter and Scarlett Miller
The 7th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, June 27-29 2016, Evanston, IL
The Impact of Virtual Product Dissection Environments on Student Design Learning and Self-Efficacy
Christine Toh and Scarlett Miller
Journal of Engineering Design, 2015.
The impact of virtual dissection on engineering student learning and self-efficacy
Christine Toh and Scarlett Miller
ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, August 17-20 2014, Buffalo, NY, MA
The Impact of Team-Based Product Dissection on Design Novelty
Christine Toh, Scarlett Miller and Gul Kremer
Accepted to Journal of Mechanical Design, 136(4): 041004.
Product Dissection or Visual Inspection? The Impact of Designer-Product Interactions on Engineering Design Creativity
Christine Toh and Scarlett Miller
ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, IDETC2013/DTM-13087 August 2013, Portland, OR.
The Impact of Product Dissection Activities on the Novelty of Design Outcomes
Christine Toh, Scarlett Miller and Gul Kremer
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, August 12-15, Chicago, IL.