Timothy Maffett Construction Management Research Facility Core and Shell (RFCS) San Anto, California


Student Biography
Building Statistics
Thesis Abstract
Technical Assignments
Thesis Research
Thesis Proposal
Final Report
Senior Thesis e-Studio





The Senior Capstone Project was a comprehensive and hands on approach to learning the true nature of construction. By studying in detail the systems of Research Facility Core and Shell and then applying the knowledge we have learned in the Architectural Engineering program at Penn State, this researcher was able to gain greater understanding into how the construciton industry really operates. By reaching out to current members of the industry and discussing trending issues with them this researcher was able to grow as a professional. Senior thesis provided a transition between college and a professional career by providing a project which blended the two together.

To view the ABET Assesment performed by Timothy Maffett please click the following link...

Timothy Maffett's ABET Assesment














"Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work-in-progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Timothy Maffett. Changes and discrepencies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design."

This page was last updated on 04/29/13, by Timothy Maffett and is hosted by the AE Department ©2012