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The numerous software programs and utilities that were used for this project are reviewed below.  The .pdf files require the freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader.  The .zip files require an archiving utility such as the freely availabe IZARC.
  • ADCIRC (ADvanced CIRCulation model).  This tidal hydrodynamics code was developed by Dr. Joannes Westerink and Dr. Rick Luettich.
    • Software home page.  This contains a user's manual, many sample applications, and information on how to request source code / executables and join a listserv for ADCIRC users.
  • ADMAT.  This suite of Matlab scripts derives from the current modeling effort.  Scripts are intended to aid in pre- and post-processing of ADCIRC related files.  Consult the readme.txt file for descriptions of individual scripts. 
  • Triangle.  This code was used to generate the finite element mesh for the Glacier Bay domain.  It was developed by Dr. Jonathan Shewchuk, presently at UC Berkeley.  Users are asked to download Triangle directly from the software home page to obtain the most recent version.
  • M_map.  This is a Matlab package that contains a number of very useful routines developed by Rich Pawlowicz.   In particular, this project made extensive use of the projection routines to switch from latitude and longitude values to Cartesian (x, y) coordinates.  Users are asked to download M_map directly from the software home page to obtain the most recent version.
  • BatTri.  This is a Matlab 'front end' or 'graphical user interface (GUI)'  for Triangle.  It was developed by Ata Bilgili, Keston Smith, and Daniel Lynch.
  • tide_fac.  This is a Fortran program for determining the nodal factors and equilibrium arguments of the tides.  This is only needed if one wishes to execute a simulation for a 'specific' time, e.g. a one week simulation beginning on Jan 13, 2004.
  • compute_modulation_v2.m.  This is a Matlab program that does the same thing as tide_fac, but for a greater number of tidal constituents.  It is part of the t_tide distribution from Rich Pawlowicz.  Users are asked to direct t_tide directly from the software home page in order to obtain the most recent version.
  • Eastern Pacific Tidal Database.  The Fortran program contained in this distribution will extract tidal information at user specified locations.
    • enpac2003 (.zip format).  This contains the needed databases and the Fortran source code.