Curricular Procedures and Forms

All graduate and undergraduate curricular proposals must be submitted using the Course Submission and Consultation System, available through the ANGEL Course Management System.

Curricular Consultation

A dynamic curriculum, one undergoing constant review and revision, constitutes the heart of an institution of higher education. Courses and programs are initially developed and proposed by faculty. Once approved by the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs (SCCA), the Graduate Council, or any unit with delegated curricular authority (hereafter referred to as SCCA) on behalf of the faculty of the University, these courses/programs become University courses and programs. Subsequent changes and the monitoring of the quality of the curriculum become the responsibility of the appropriate disciplinary faculty throughout the University with final approval resting with the SCCA.

This means that the faculty in the discipline, at all University campuses, are consulted as new courses/programs are proposed and existing courses/programs are revised.

Once a new or revised course/program is developed, it is the responsibility of the academic unit (department/division/school) to consult with related units throughout the University.

When a department/division/school proposes a change in a program/course that impacts resources or the operation of another department/division/school, it is incumbent upon the proposing unit to consult with the affected units.

It is the responsibility of SCCA to assure that University-wide consultation has occurred and that any unit within the University that may be affected by the change has been advised of the change and has had an opportunity to respond.

It is the expectation of SCCA that college curricular affairs committees will ensure that their curricular approval procedures include a mechanism for University-wide disciplinary consultation and consultation with affected units prior to the submission of a proposal to SCCA.

While it is the hope of SCCA that consultation will result in agreement and consensus among the disciplinary faculty and affected units, when agreement is not reached through the consultative process, SCCA, as the final arbiter on behalf of the faculty of the University, will make the final decision.

It is the responsibility of SCCA to ensure that consultation has occurred to prevent resource difficulties, curricular confusion and unnecessary duplication, and to resolve perceived quality issues. It is the responsibility of the dean of the college to assure that appropriate consultative mechanisms are in place within that college and that appropriate persons within the college respond to requests in a timely fashion.