marissa gesell I lighting electrical



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Proposal- Schematic Design Report (PDF)

Proposal- Schematic Design Report- Updated 1/14/09 (PDF)

This proposal summarizes the intent for the re-design of Massachusetts Public Library. Two depth topics, a master focus topic, and two breadth topics of study are proposed for Spring 2009. 

Depth Analysis- Lighting:

The four spaces which will be re-designed include the main entrance, exterior space; the 1st floor lobby and hall, circulation space; the 2nd floor stacks and seating, large work space; and the basement meeting area, special purpose room. The new lighting design will compliment and accentuate the architectural style of the building.  Light will be used to guide occupants throughout the library.  Lighting will also support the transparency and connection between spaces.  The lighting equipment will be efficient, and aid in achieving the LEED certification desired for the project.

Depth Analysis- Electrical:

After the lighting is re-designed in the four spaces, the protection devices will need to be resized to provide for the change in electrical load experienced by the system.  Also all branch circuit distributions for the four re-lighted spaces will need to be redesigned.  In relation to the breadth study of HVAC loads due to changes in the curtain wall, an electrical study will need to be computed for the redesign of the building’s HVAC system. Because the building is striving to be LEED certified, all electrical equipment should be made as energy efficient as possible. Therefore there will be a comparison of the NSTAR equipment currently specified to energy efficient transformers such as Powersmith to optimize efficiency.

MAE Depth Analysis- Daylighting:

Calculations will be done in the seating/stacks area using AGI32. The calculations will be done for different daylighting conditions, different times and different months for a complete evaluation. If the current curtain wall appears inadequate then ways to improve it will be researched. Other knowledge and tools gained in AE 565 will be used to fully evaluate the curtain wall.

Breadth Analysis- Façade System and Solar Loads:

Massachusetts Public Library features a state-of-the-art glass curtain wall façade. In addition to light penetration, the wall will also create solar heat gains and heat loses due to poor insulation.  In the depth topic the daylighting will be studied and within the breadth the solar loads will be evaluated.  The façade system will be studied to determine if a better system is available.  The solar gains and heat losses of both the existing system and the re-designed façade will be calculated.

Breadth Analysis- Acoustics:

 If architectural details are changed due to the lighting scheme it will impact the dynamics of the room and acoustics of the space.  Therefore the study will complete a full analysis of acoustical reverberation for the auditorium.  Changes will be made if the room is proved to be inadequate.  Acoustical equipment such as sound absorbers will be incorporated into the room if necessary.






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this page was last updated on 1.14.09 by Marissa Gesell and is hosted by the AE Department ©2008/2009