Dan Saxton
Mechanical Option

DCCC STEM Center - Media, PA

Dan Saxton Biography
Building Statistics
Thesis Abstract
Technical Assignments
Thesis Research
Thesis Proposal
Final Report
Senior Thesis e-Studio

While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work-in-progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Daniel Saxton. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.



AE 481W/482 Reflection

The past two semesters have provided a great deal of learning and hard work throughout the course of the AE Senior Capstone Thesis program. I have gained valuable experience and information about the design process in relation to mechanical systems, and feel I am better equipped to enter the professional field after leaving this Penn State Architectural Engineering program.

Additionally, it has been a great experience to conduct the overall existing system analysis and go through the study of potential alternative design without the context of a group project setting. By going through this Thesis process in an individual setting, there was also good experience in having to ask questions to faculty members and other professionals in the industry. Overall, the quality of this course and Thesis project provided a significant amount of experience in background knowledge that will aid my continuing development as an engineer.

CPEP Reflection

The use of a website interface to produce a portfolio of the work accomplished throughout the course of the Capstone Thesis program was a beneficial skill to learn. At the beginning of the year, the Adobe Dreamweaver Tutorial was a tremendous asset for making our own personal webpages and gave us the education needed to be able to produce the necessary portfolio to fulfill the project requirements. The discussion board appeared to be helpful for a few others, but provided limited assistance for me. The one question I posted merited no responses from professionals and resulted in one e-mail from a fellow student. This ended up helping a good deal, but the discussion board was a small part of that assistance. Altogether the face-to-face interactions with peers and AE Faculty were the greatest means of advice and support through the two semesters.











The Capstone Project Electronic Portfolio (CPEP) is a web‐based project and information center. It contains material produced for a year‐long Senior Thesis class. Its purpose, in addition to providing central storage of individual assignments, is to foster communication and collaboration between student, faculty consultant, course instructors, and industry consultants. This website is dedicated to the research and analysis conducted via guidelines provided by the Department of Architectural Engineering. For an explanation of this capstone design course and its requirements click here.

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This page was last updated on 4/19/11 by Daniel A. Saxton and is hosted by the AE Department ©2010