Scholarship Details

Madison & Lila Self Graduate Fellowship

Application Deadline:



AERSP, BME, CH E, Petroleum, CE, AE, EE, CMPSC, ME, E SC


The mission of the University of Kansas Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship is to identify, recruit, and provide development opportunities for exceptional Ph.D. students in business, economics, engineering, mathematics, biological, biomedical, pharmaceutical, and physical sciences who demonstrate the promise to make significant contributions to their fields of study and society as a whole.


Self Graduate Fellows are selected for their vision, career goals, and achievements. They are able to set and attain goals, show leadership potential and motivation, and possess a strong work ethic. Self Graduate Fellows also demonstrate initiative, passion for achievement and lifelong learning, and make a commitment to participate in the Fellow Development Program.

Terms of Award:

New Self Graduate Fellows for 2023-24ill receive annual support of $30,000 for four years. Payment is through appointment as a graduate research assistant, or occasionally as a graduate teaching assistant. The fellowship covers tuition, fees, and the employer's share of student health insurance costs. All fellows must actively participate in the Fellow Development Program. The total value of the four-year doctoral fellowship exceeds $165,000. The 30 current Self Fellows are among 160 students who have benefited from the fellowship since it was established in 1989.

Please Submit:

It is important that students meet various deadlines in order to be nominated for a Self Graduate Fellowship. The following serves as a suggested timeline for prospective Self Graduate Fellows.

Check with your chosen department to confirm deadlines and needed information. Submit your KU graduate school application as early as you can since departments will prepare nominations in late January. Make sure you have identified good sources for letters of recommendation. Update your resume.

Confirm with your chosen department that your application is complete and that all supporting materials have been received.

Review our website for nominee information. If you are nominated, you will be asked to write a personal statement which is specific to the Self Graduate Fellowship. This statement is one of the most important documents in the nomination process. You will submit the statement directly to the department.

February 3, 2016: Nomination deadline for departments.
February 19, 2016: Nominees selected for on-campus interviews. Those selected will be notified by email.

March 1-4, 2016: On campus interviews.
March 11, 2016: Self Graduate Fellowship extends offers. Students who receive offers will first be notified by email.
April 15, 2016: Deadline for acceptance of offers.

For further information contact:

Nancy Delgado
The University of Kansas
Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Room 158, Strong Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045-7594
(785) 864-7238
Online Application:

Online Application: