Faculty Resources
The College of Engineering has a team of three faculty ombuds, each working independently. The role of unit ombuds is an elected role, not an administrative position.
You may contact your choice of any of the three ombuds. When contacting an ombud via email, please don't share any details - simply request an appointment.
Matt Parkinson (term ends August 2025)
406 Engineering Design and Innovation Building
Becky Passonneau (term ends August 2026)
W318 Westgate Building
Rachel Brennan (term ends August 2027)
208K ECoRE Building
Faculty ombuds provide a safe, informal, and highly confidential environment for the discussion of issues and concerns. They assist the faculty member in identifying or creating options for resolution that meet the needs of both the faculty and the university, and they may provide referrals to formal channels with investigatory powers when necessary. They do not keep formal records, conduct formal mediation, perform formal investigations, or serve as an advocate for any party. Faculty ombuds advocate for fairness.
From AC76 policy: "The objective is to enhance communication and clarify possible misunderstandings in situations which involve potential disputes, to advise faculty members and administrators as to appropriate courses of action, and to help settle matters before they become hardened into serious disputes." https://policy.psu.edu/policies/ac76#D
From the university faculty ombud: “My fellow ombuds and I are committed to listening to the faculty; answering questions; explaining policies and procedures; providing information and advice; exploring possible solutions; suggesting appropriate referrals; and assisting in pursuing resolution of differences.” More information about the roles of faculty ombuds can be found at https://senate.psu.edu/faculty/university-faculty-ombuds/
Useful Links for Tenure Line and Professional Track Faculty
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs: https://www.vpfa.psu.edu/
Resources Available:
- Promotion and Tenure policies, administrative guidelines, and FAQs (updated each academic year)
- Sabbatical Leave information
- Faculty Handbook
- Guidance on Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness
Activity Insight (Digital Measures): https://activityinsight.psu.edu/
Resources Available:
- Activity Insight System Information and FAQ
- College of Engineering Faculty User Guide
- Activity Insight Training
- 2022 COE Activity Insight session for Administrators/Proxies
- * NEW * COE specific Activity Insight training video
College Activity Insight Representative
Amy Corbett, Faculty Affairs Administrative Coordinator
Self-Report of Activity (SRA) and Faculty Evaluations
- Self-Report of Activity (SRA) completed in Activity Insight
- Policy AC40: Annual Evaluation of Faculty Performance
Sabbatical Leave Information and Application System
College of Engineering Guidelines
- AC80 Engaging in Outside Professional Activities (Conflict of Commitment)
- AC10 Distinguished Professorships
- Endowed Professorships and Chairs
- Process to Request Emeritus Status
- Other Academic Appointments
Promotion & Tenure Online Reviewing Platform (PTORP):
NOTE: Only Review Committees, Department Heads and the Dean will have access to this dossier reviewing platform. https://app.ohr.psu.edu/promotion_tenure/
Corporate Engagement Center Resource Library
The resource library is intended to share information on resources, best practices, and topics that impact the work of Penn State faculty and staff members who engage with corporations.
Visit the Corporate Engagement Center Resource Library.
Tenure Line Faculty
Committees and Guidelines
- College Promotion and Tenure Committee List 2024-25 (starting September 2024)
- Procedures for Selection of College Promotion and Tenure Review Committee
- Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee Structure
- Guidelines and Criteria for Promotion and Tenure in the College of Engineering
- Promotion and Tenure Criteria Prior to 2022 in the College of Engineering
- Candidate’s Narrative Statement Guidelines
Workshop and Panel Discussions
COE P&T Workshop for Dept. Heads, Dept. P&T Committees, & Dept. Support Staff
(Please communicate to those who are involved in the preparation and review of the dossier)
Video Recording (September 12, 2024)
PDF Of PowerPoint Slides (September 12, 2024) -
2022-2023 P&T Candidates Panel Discussion
(Please communicate to all new faculty in the tenure track as they should plan to attend this session)Video Recording (from September 8, 2022)
Professional Track Faculty
Committees and Guidelines
- College Professional Track Faculty Promotion Committee
- New (effective July 2023, revised 2024) Professional Track Faculty College Guidelines
Workshops and Panel Discussions
Panel Discussion for Professional Track Faculty members relative to the promotion process.
Video Recording (from September 13, 2022)
Video Recording (from November 29, 2023)
Workshop PDF (from November 29, 2023)