Scholarship Details
Freeman-ASIA (check back early February 2022)
Application Deadline:
Study Abroad
Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA) provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia.
Participate in language study that will enhance their ability to engage with the host culture.
Enroll in a study abroad program with at least 20 hours per week of class time, incorporating the study of an East or Southeast Asian language, culture, and history.
Participate in a study abroad programs taught by host country faculty members.
Demonstrate sincere interest in incorporating East or Southeast Asian Studies into future academic and/or professional plans.
The three primary criteria used to evaluate Freeman-ASIA Award applications are:
Financial need
Commitment to and demonstrated interest in East or Southeast Asian Studies
Quality of the service project proposal
Terms of Award:
A Freeman-ASIA award provides need-based funding to assist the recipient with the cost of the study abroad program and related expenses, including airfare, basic living costs, local transportation, books, etc.
Please Submit:
Apply Online