11141Georgia Ave - High Rise Apartments

Located in Wheaton, MD

Samantha deVries

Structural Option

Home         Student Bio         Building Statistics         Abstract         Tech Reports         Proposal         Final Report         Final Presentation         Reflection         E-Studio


The building located at 11141 Georgia Avenue in Wheaton, Maryland was recently renovated into an apartment building.  A 7 story steel framed addition was added above the existing original 7 story concrete office building.  The final report, which can be viewed by clicking the thumbnail to the right, includes the methods and processes used in the analysis and redesign of the addition.  Both the gravity and lateral systems were analyzed in the redesigned system.  Also included is breadth work in the topics of construction management and mechanical.  In order to keep the addition lightweight to minimize effects on the existing system, wood was chosen for the redesign.  Although wood construction does not currently meet code US for the 7 story addition, the report discussed the research regarding taller wood buildings and the use of wood in taller buildings in other countries.  The purpose of the report was to discover whether or not a wood addition would be feasible in the case of 11141 Georgia Ave with regard to structural capacity and other related topics.

After completing the wood redesign, it was found that the wood alternate is structurally feasible as an addition.  There are both challenges and benefits to using wood in the addition.  Although there are several challenges with regards to fire safety, research has shown that heavy timber can meet safety requirements.  Finally, the structural depth and construction and mechanical breadths show that the wood addition is overall a feasible alternative.

Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work in progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Samantha deVries. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.

This page was last updated on 04.30.2015 by Samantha deVries and is hosted by the AE Department © 2014

Final Report

If you are having trouble accessing the report, you can open just the Report and the Appendix.

The Executive Summary is available HERE

The report submitted to the Schreyer Honors College is available HERE