Photo of Constantino Lagoa

Constantino Lagoa



  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

205 K Electrical Engineering West


Research Areas:

Control and Decision Systems; Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Interest Areas:

Application of probability to robustness analysis and control, robustness analysis and control of nonlinear systems and discrete event dynamical systems, traffic control in computer networks





Journal Articles

  • Taylor B Turrisi, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Affective judgments, environmental determinants, and physical activity in emerging and young adults", Psychology \& health, 39, (4), pp. 479--498
  • Jingchuan Wu, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Assessing the impact of message relevance and frequency on physical activity change: A secondary data analysis from the random AIM trial", Digital Health, 10, pp. 20552076241255656
  • Dagm Abate, Susete Marques, Vladimir Bushenkov, Jose Riffo, Andres Weintraub, Miguel Constantino, Constantino M Lagoa and Jose G Borges, 2024, "Assessment of tradeoffs between ecosystem services in large spatially constrained forest management planning problems", Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7, pp. 1368608
  • Jenny L Olson, Scherezade K. Mama, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa, Chris N Sciamanna and David E Conroy, 2024, "Broad versus narrow bandwidth measures of experienced automaticity for physical activity", Psychology \& health, 39, (10), pp. 1371--1387
  • Omar M Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "Lp quasi-norm minimization: algorithm and applications", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2024, (1), pp. 22
  • Mohammad Javad Heidari, Akbar Najafi, Jose G Borges and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "Novel approach for forest road maintenance using smartphone sensor data and deep learning methods", International Journal of Forest Engineering, 35, (3), pp. 507--514
  • Omar M Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "Parsimonious system identification from fragmented quantised measurements", International journal of control, 97, (8), pp. 1770--1779
  • Daniel J Vecellio, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Physical activity dependence on relative temperature and humidity characteristics in a young, insufficiently active population: a weather typing analysis", Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 21, (4), pp. 357--364
  • Jaeseok Choi, Anand Deo, Constantino M Lagoa and Anirudh Subramanyam, 2024, "Reduced Sample Complexity in Scenario-Based Control System Design via Constraint Scaling", IEEE Control Systems Letters
  • Amanda L Rebar, Constantino M Lagoa, Benjamin Gardner and David E Conroy, 2024, "The Specification of a Computational Model of Physical Activity Habit", Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 52, (3), pp. 102--107
  • Jingchuan Wu, Jenny L Olson, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Wearable device adherence among insufficiently-active young adults is independent of identity and motivation for physical activity", Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 47, (2), pp. 197--206
  • David E Conroy, Jingchuan Wu, Alexandra M Lee, Deborah Brunke-Reese and Constantino M Lagoa, 2023, "Dose--response relations between the frequency of two types of momentary feedback prompts and daily physical activity.", Health Psychology, 42, (3), pp. 151
  • Alexandra M Lee, Sahar Hojjatinia, Jimikaye B Courtney, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2023, "Motivational Message Framing Effects on Physical Activity Dynamics in a Digital Messaging Intervention: Secondary Analysis", JMIR Formative Research, 7, (1), pp. e41414
  • Davide Simeone, Marta Lenatti, Constantino M Lagoa, Karim Keshavjee, Aziz Guergachi, Fabrizio Dabbene and Alessia Paglialonga, 2023, "Multi-Input Multi-Output Dynamic Modelling of Type 2 Diabetes Progression", Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 309, pp. 228--232
  • Sayan Samanta, Constantino M Lagoa and Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri, 2023, "Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Droop-Based Grid Forming Converters Providing Fast Frequency Support", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
  • Omar M Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2023, "Parsimonious System Identification from Fragmented Quantized Measurements", International Journal of Control, (just-accepted), pp. 1
  • IE Bardakci, A Jalilzadeh, Constantino M Lagoa and UV Shanbhag, 2023, "Probability maximization via Minkowski functionals: convex representations and tractable resolution", Mathematical programming, 199, (1-2), pp. 595--637
  • Omar M Sleem, Mohamed Salah Ibrahim, Akshay Malhotra, Mihaela Beluri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2023, "Unsupervised Learning for Reference Signals Overhead Reduction in 3GPP MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking
  • Jingchuan Wu, Jenny L Olson, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2023, "Wearable device adherence among insufficiently-active young adults is independent of identity and motivation for physical activity", Journal of Behavioral Medicine, pp. 1--10
  • Sahar Hojjatinia, Alexandra M Lee, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa, Deborah Brunke-Reese and David E Conroy, 2022, "Physical Activity Dynamics During a Digital Messaging Intervention Changed After the Pandemic Declaration", Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56, (11), pp. 1188-1198
  • David E Conroy, Gary G Bennett, Constantino M Lagoa and Kathleen Y Wolin, 2022, "Steps towards digital tools for personalised physical activity promotion", British journal of sports medicine, 56, (8), pp. 424--425
  • Davi A. Santos and Constantino M Lagoa, 2022, "Wayset-based guidance of multirotor aerial vehicles using robust tube-based model predictive control", ISA Transactions, 128, pp. 123-135
  • Jenny L. Olson, Scherezade K. Mama, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa, Chris N. Sciamanna and David E Conroy, 2022, "Broad versus narrow bandwidth measures of experienced automaticity for physical activity", Psychology \& Health, 0, (0), pp. 1-17
  • Sayan Samanta, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2022, "Fast Frequency Support from Grid-forming Converters Under dc-and ac-side Current Limits", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
  • Martina Mammarella, Abdulelah Altamimi, Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Fabrizio Dabbene and Constantino M Lagoa, 2022, "Fast Stochastic MPC Implementation via Policy Learning", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, pp. 3020--3025
  • Abdulelah Altamimi, Constantino M Lagoa, Borges, Jos\'e G, Marc E Mc Dill, C Andriotis and KG Papakonstantinou, 2022, "Large-Scale Wildfire Mitigation Through Deep Reinforcement Learning", Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5
  • Sahar Hojjatinia, Elyse R. Daly, Timothy Hnat, Syed Monowar Hossain, Santosh Kumar, Constantino M Lagoa, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Shahin Alan Samiei, Bonnie Spring and David E Conroy, 2021, "Dynamic models of stress-smoking responses based on high-frequency sensor data", npj Digital Medicine, 4, (1), pp. 1--11
  • Chiara Ravazzi, Fabrizio Dabbene, Constantino M Lagoa and Anton V. Proskurnikov, 2021, "Learning Hidden Influences in Large-Scale Dynamical Social Networks: A Data-Driven Sparsity-Based Approach, in Memory of Roberto Tempo", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 41, (5), pp. 61--103
  • David E Conroy, Gary G Bennett, Constantino M Lagoa and Kathleen Y Wolin, 2021, "Steps towards digital tools for personalised physical activity promotion", British Journal of Sports Medicine, pp. bjsports--2021--104169
  • Chiara Ravazzi, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2021, "Ergodic Opinion Dynamics over Networks: Learning Influences from Partial Observations", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66, (6), pp. 2709--2723
  • Taylor B. Turrisi, Kelsey M. Bittel, Ashley B. West, Sarah Hojjatinia, Sahar Hojjatinia, Scherezade K. Mama, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2021, "Seasons, weather, and device-measured movement behaviors: a scoping review from 2006 to 2020", International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18, (1), pp. 1--26
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Sahar Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa, Deborah Brunke-Reese and David E Conroy, 2021, "Person-Specific Dose-Finding for a Digital Messaging Intervention to Promote Physical Activity", Health Psychology, 40, (8), pp. 502--512
  • David E Conroy, Constantino M Lagoa, Eric Hekler and Daniel E. Rivera, 2020, "Engineering Person-Specific Behavioral Interventions to Promote Physical Activity", Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 48, (4), pp. 170--179
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2020, "Identification of switched autoregressive exogenous systems from large noisy datasets", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30, (15), pp. 5777--5801
  • Umberto Saetti, Joseph F Horn, Sagar Lakhmani, Constantino M Lagoa and Tom Berger, 2020, "Design of dynamic inversion and explicit model following flight control laws for quadrotor UAS", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 65, (3)
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Seshadhri Srinivasan, Ethan Png, Rong Su and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "Recursive approximation of complex behaviours with IoT-data imperfections", IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 7, (3), pp. 656--667
  • David E Conroy, Chih Hsiang Yang, Stephanie T Lanza, Joshua Morrison Smyth and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "Temporal dynamics of treatment receipt in a text message intervention for physical activity: Single-group, within-person trial", JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8, (4), pp. e14270
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Michael Russell, Constantino M Lagoa, Rong Su, Mario Sznaier, Stephanie T Lanza and Candice L. Odgers, 2020, "Continuous-time model identification: application on a behavioural (miLife) study", International Journal of Control
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Michael Russell, Constantino M Lagoa, Rong Su, Mario Sznaier, Stephanie T Lanza and Candice L. Odgers, 2020, "Continuous-time model identification: application on a behavioural (miLife) study", International Journal of Control, pp. 1--12
  • Jingyao Wang, Mahmoud Ashour, Constantino M Lagoa, Necdet S Aybat and Hao Che, 2019, "A fully distributed traffic allocation algorithm for nonconcave utility maximization in connectionless communication networks", Automatica, 109
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Jingyao Wang, Necdet S Aybat, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2019, "End-to-End Distributed Flow Control for Networks with Nonconcave Utilities", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 6, (3), pp. 303--313
  • Kaveri Mahapatra, Mahmoud Ashour, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Malicious Corruption Resilience in PMU Data and Wide-Area Damping Control", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, pp. 1--1
  • Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Fabrizio Dabbene and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Probabilistically Robust AC Optimal Power Flow", IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 6, (3), pp. 1135--1147
  • David E Conroy, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa, Chih Hsiang Yang, Stephanie T Lanza and Joshua Morrison Smyth, 2019, "Personalized models of physical activity responses to text message micro-interventions: A proof-of-concept application of control systems engineering methods", Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 41, pp. 172--180
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, M. Ayazoglu, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2018, "Hankel Matrix Rank as Indicator of Ghost in Bearing-Only Tracking", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54, (6), pp. 2713-2723
  • B. Yilmaz, Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2018, "A Randomized Algorithm for Parsimonious Model Identification", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63, (2), pp. 532-539
  • Mingyuan Chen, Xiaocong Li, Constantino M Lagoa, Lanmei Cong and Junhua Xu, 2018, "Applying sum-of-squares decomposition technique to power system robust control problem", IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, (2), pp. 218-225
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Okan Duru, Emrah Gulay, Rong Su and Constantino M Lagoa, 2018, "Predictive analytics of crude oil prices by utilizing the intelligent model search engine", Applied Energy, 228, pp. 2387 - 2397
  • Mohammad Rasouli and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "A nonlinear term selection method for improving synchronous machine parameters estimation", International Journal of Electrical Power \& Energy Systems, 85, pp. 77--86
  • Kshitij Jerath, Sean N Brennan and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Bridging the gap between sensor noise modeling and sensor characterization", Measurement
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa, Suzan A Murphy and Stephanie T Lanza, 2017, "Control Engineering Methods for the Design of Robust Behavioral Treatments", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 25, (3), pp. 979--990
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Michael Russell, Constantino M Lagoa, Stephanie T Lanza and Megan E Piper, 2017, "Evaluating the effect of smoking cessation treatment on a complex dynamical system", Drug \& Alcohol Dependence, 180, pp. 215--222
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Didier Henrion and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Simple approximations of semialgebraic sets and their applications to control", Automatica, 78, pp. 110--118
  • Ilker Boz, Korkut Bekiroglu, Mansour Solaimanian, Pezhouhan Tavassoti-Kheiry and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Validation of Model Order Assumption and Noise Reduction Method for the Impact Resonance Testing of Asphalt Concrete", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 36, (3), pp. 58
  • Wenjing Su, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2016, "Optimization-based, QoS-aware distributed traffic control laws for networks with time-varying link capacities", Automatica, 72, pp. 158–165
  • C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2016, "Distributional Robustness Analysis for Nonlinear Uncertainty Structures", Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 61, (7), pp. 1900-1905
  • Wenjing Su, Chunyu Liu, Constantino M Lagoa, Hao Che, Ke Xu and Yong Cui, 2015, "Integrated, Distributed Traffic Control in Multidomain Networks", Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 23, (4), pp. 1373-1386
  • E.I. Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Vehicle Localization Using In-Vehicle Pitch Data and Dynamical Models", Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 16, (1), pp. 206-220
  • A. M. Jasour, Necdet S Aybat and Constantino M Lagoa, 2015, "Semidefinite Programming For Chance Constrained Optimization Over Semialgebraic Sets", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25, (3), pp. 1411-1440
  • N Ozay, Constantino M Lagoa and M Sznaier, 2015, "Set membership identification of switched linear systems with known number of subsystems", Automatica, 51, pp. 180–191
  • Constantino M Lagoa, K Bekiroglu, Stephanie T Lanza and S A Murphy, 2014, "Designing adaptive intensive interventions using methods from engineering.", Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 82, (5), pp. 868-78
  • N Ozay, M Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Convex Certificates for Model (In)validation of Switched Affine Systems With Unknown Switches", Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 59, pp. 2921-2932
  • N. Ozay, M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and O. Camps, 2012, "A Sparsification Approach to Set Membership Identification of a Class of Affine Hybrid Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57, (3), pp. 634-648
  • Chao Feng, F. Dabbene and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "A Kinship Function Approach to Robust and Probabilistic Optimization Under Polynomial Uncertainty", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56, (7), pp. 1509-1523
  • Lei Ye, Zhijun Wang, Hao Che and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "TERSE: A Unified End-to-End Traffic Control Mechanism to Enable Elastic, Delay Adaptive, and Rate Adaptive Services", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 29, (5), pp. 938-950
  • L. Ye, Z. Wang, H. Che, H. Chan and Constantino M Lagoa, 2009, "Utility function of TCP", Computer Communications, 32, (5), pp. 800-805
  • Constantino M Lagoa, F. Dabbene and R. Tempo, 2008, "Hard Bound on Probability of Performance with Applications to Circuit Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 55, (10), pp. 3178-3187
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and N. Ozay, 2007, "Risk-adjusted output feedback receding horizon control of constrained linear parameter varying systems", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17, (17), pp. 1614-1633
  • B. A. Movsichoff, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2007, "End-to-End Optimal Algorithms for Integrated QoS, Traffic Engineering, and Failure Recovery", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15, (4), pp. 813-823
  • Wenjing Ma, Mario Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2007, "A risk adjusted approach to robust simultaneous fault detection and isolation", Automatica, 43, (3), pp. 499-504
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Jinbo Fu and Asok Ray, 2005, "Robust optimal control of regular languages", Automatica, 41, (8), pp. 1439-1445
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Xiang Li and Mairo Sznaier, 2005, "Probabilistically constrained linear programs and risk-adjusted controller design", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 15, (3), pp. 938-951
  • Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Maria Cecilia Mazzaro, 2005, "An algorithm for sampling subsets of $\scr H\sb \infty$ with applications to risk-adjusted performance analysis and model (in)validation", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50, (3), pp. 410-416
  • Bernardo Movsichoff, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2005, "Decentralized optimal traffic engineering in connectionless networks", IEEE Journal on elected Areas in Communications, 23, (2), pp. 293-303

Conference Proceedings

  • Martina Mammarella, Cesare Donati, Fabrizio Dabbene, Carlo Novara and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "A Blended Physics-Based and Black-Box Identification Approach for Spacecraft Inertia Estimation", pp. 6301--6306
  • Cesare Donati, Martina Mammarella, Fabrizio Dabbene, Carlo Novara and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "One-shot backpropagation for multi-step prediction in physics-based system identification", pp. 6301--6306
  • Peixuan Zhang, Uday V Shanbhag, Constantino M Lagoa and Ibrahim E Bardakci, 2023, "Global Resolution of Chance-Constrained Optimization Problems: Minkowski Functionals and Monotone Inclusions", pp. 6301--6306
  • Omar M. Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2021, "Parsimonious System Identification from Quantized Observations", pp. 846-851
  • Sayan Samanta, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2021, "Quantifiable Frequency Support from Grid-Forming Converters with DC-side Current Limits in Grids with Synchronous Generators", pp. 5681-5688
  • Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2020, "Probabilistic Discrete Time Robust H2 Controller Design", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-December, pp. 2240--2245
  • Zhijun Wang, Akshit Singhal, Yunxiang Wu, Chuwen Zhang, Hao Che, Hong Jiang, Bin Liu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "HOLNET: A Holistic Traffic Control Framework for Datacenter Networks", IEEE Computer Society, 2020-October
  • M. E. Ashour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "A Distributed Algorithm for Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Programs"
  • Sarah Hojjatinia and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "Identication of Markov Jump Autoregressive Processes from Large Noisy Data Sets"
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2019, "Identification of Switched Autoregressive Systems from Large Noisy Data Sets", IEEE, pp. 4313--4319
  • Sahar Hojjatinia and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Comparison of Different Spike Sorting Subtechniques Based on Rat Brain Basolateral Amygdala Neuronal Activity"
  • Ibrahim Ekrem Bardakci and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Distributionally Robust Portfolio Optimization"
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Constantino M Lagoa and Necdet S Aybat, 2019, "Lp Quasi-Norm Minimization"
  • C. Ravazzi, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2018, "Randomized opinion dynamics over networks: influence estimation from partial observations", pp. 2452-2457
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, S. Srinivasan, R. Su, Constantino M Lagoa and K. Poolla, 2018, "Recursive Parsimonious System Identification Algorithm for Dynamical Systems", pp. 1520-1525
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, O. Duru, S. Srinivasan, R. Su, Constantino M Lagoa and J. Li, 2018, "Governing Dynamics of Crude Oil and LNG Prices", pp. 872-877
  • S. Hojjatinia, Korkut Bekiroglu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2018, "Parsimonious Volterra System Identification", pp. 1933-1938
  • I. E. Bardakci, Constantino M Lagoa and U. V. Shanbhag, 2018, "Probability Maximization with Random Linear Inequalities: Alternative Formulations and Stochastic Approximation Schemes", pp. 1396-1401
  • Umberto Saetti, Tom Berger, Joseph Horn, Constantino M Lagoa and Sagar Lakhmani, 2018, "Design of Dynamic Inversion and Explicit Model Following Control Laws for Quadrotor Inner and Outer Loops"
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Luca Zaccarian and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2017, "A distributed algorithm with consistency for PageRank-like linear algebraic systems", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 5172--5177
  • Dule Shu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "A linear temporal logic based approach for vehicle motion planning", pp. 25--30
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2017, "A Method for Identification of Markovian Jump ARX Processes", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 14088--14093
  • Dule Shu, Constantino M Lagoa and Timothy P Cleary, 2017, "A Sum-of-Squares Polynomial Approach for Road Anomaly Detection Using Vehicle Sensor Measurements", pp. V002T17A004--V002T17A004
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Seshadhri Srinivasan, Ethan Png, Rong Su, Kameshwar Poolla and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "An Internet of Things compliant model identification methodology for smart buildings"
  • Jingyao Wang, Mahmoud Ashour, Constantino M Lagoa, Necdet S Aybat, Hao Che and Zhisheng Duan, 2017, "Non-Concave Network Utility Maximization in Connectionless Networks: A Fully Distributed Traffic Allocation Algorithm"
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Jingyao Wang, Constantino M Lagoa, Necdet S Aybat and Hao Che, 2017, "Non-concave network utility maximization: A distributed optimization approach", pp. 1--9
  • Y Cheng, B Ozbay, M Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Suboptimal l8? l8 Control of Switched Linear Models: a Superstability Approach", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 14380--14385
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa, Stephanie T Lanza and Mario Sznaier, 2017, "System Identification Algorithm for Non-Uniformly Sampled Data", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 7296--7301
  • Ibrahim Bardakci, Ji-Woong Lee and Constantino M Lagoa, 2016, "Robust stabilization of discrete-time piecewise affine systems subject to bounded disturbances"
  • Ashkan Jasour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2016, "Convex Chance Constrained Model Predictive Control"
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Mustafa Ayazoglu, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2016, "An Efficient Approach to the Radar Ghost Elimination Problem", pp. 6
  • Octavia Camps, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2016, "The role of sparsity and dynamics in extracting information sparsely encoded in very large data sets"
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Korkut Bekiroglu, Chih-Hsiang Yang, Constantino M Lagoa, David E Conroy, Joshua Morrison Smyth and Stephanie T Lanza, 2016, "On the mathematical modeling of the effect of treatment on human physical activity"
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Didier Henrion, Constantino M Lagoa and Pavel Shcherbakov, 2015, "Randomized Approximations of the Image Set of Nonlinear Mappings with Applications to Filtering", pp. 6
  • Yongfang Cheng, Mario Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2015, "Robust Superstabilizing Controller Design from Open-Loop Experimental Input/Output Data", pp. 6
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2015, "Parsimonious Model Identification of MIMO Systems Using Atomic Norm Minimization", pp. 6
  • M Sznaier, O Camps, N Ozay and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Surviving the Upcoming Data Deluge: A Systems and Control Perspective", pp. 1488-1498
  • K Bekiroglu, B Yilmaz, Constantino M Lagoa and M Sznaier, 2014, "Parsimonious model identification via atomic norm minimization", pp. 2392-2397
  • F Dabbene, D Henrion and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Uniform sample generation in semialgebraic sets", pp. 5177-5182
  • N T , Constantino M Lago and, J W , 2014, "Random Geometric Graphs as a Model for Bounding the Endurance of Soaring Aircraft", pp. 248-253
  • A M Jasour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Reconstruction of Support of a Measure From Its Moments", pp. 1911-1916
  • E Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S Brennan, 2014, "Robust data map design using chance constrained optimization", pp. 4573-4580
  • E Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S Brennan, 2014, "Multi-Attribute Data Dynamics Discontinuity Identification: a Probabilistic Approach using Linear Modeling", pp. 5666-5673
  • E. Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S. Brennan, 2013, "Robust Map Design by Outlier Point Selection for Terrain-Based Vehicle Localization", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2822-2827
  • K. Bekiroglu, M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and B. Shafai, 2013, "Vision based control of an autonomous blimp with actuator saturation using pulse-width modulation", 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), pp. 1036-1041
  • and Constantino M Lagoa, 2013, "Convex Relaxations of a Probabilistically Robust Control Design Problem", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • K. Bekirolu, Constantino M Lagoa, S. Murphy, A. Suzan and S. Lanza, 2013, "A Robust MPC Approach to the Design of Treatments", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • B. Yilmaz, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2013, "An Efficient Atomic Norm Minimization Approach to Identification of Low Order Models", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • F. Xiong, Y. Cheng, O. Camps, M. Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2013, "Hankel Based Maximum Margin Classifiers: A Connection between Machine Learning and Wiener Systems Identification", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Y. Cheng, Y. Wang, M. Sznaier, N. Ozay and Constantino M Lagoa, 2012, "A convex optimization approach to model (in)validation of switched ARX systems with unknown switches", 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Proceedings of Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6284-6290
  • Emil Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and Sean Brennan, 2012, "Terrain-based vehicle localization from real-time data using dynamical models", 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Proceedings of Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 3366-3371
  • A. M. Jasour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2012, "Semidefinite relaxations of chance constrained algebraic problems", 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Proceedings of Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 2257-2532
  • C. Feng, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2012, "A convex approach to generalized fixed order interpolation", Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 5174-5181
  • Chao Feng, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2011, "Identifying Stable Fixed Order Systems from Time and Frequency Response Data", Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference
  • B. Yilmaz, M. Ayazoglu, M. Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "Convex Relaxations for Robust Identification of Wiener Systems and Applications", Proceedings of the Joint 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference
  • S. Kadetotad, P. Vemuapalli, S. Brennan and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "Terrain-Aided Localization Using Feature-Based Particle Filtering", Proceedings of 4th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Constantino M. Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2010, "Hybrid System Identification via Sparse Polynomial Optimization", Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference
  • Mustafa Ayazoglu, Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Octavia I. Camps, 2010, "A Moments-Based Approach To Estimation and Data Interpolation for a Class of Wiener Systems", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Chao Feng, Constantino M Lagoa, Necmiye Ozay and Mario Sznaier, 2010, "Hybrid System Identification: An SDP Approach", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Necmiye Ozay, Mario Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2010, "Model (In)validation of Switched ARX Systems with Unknown Switches and its Application to Activity Monitoring", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Pavel Shcherbakov and Constantino M Lagoa, 2010, "On the Complexity of Randomized Approximations of Nonconvex Sets", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
  • Necmiye Ozay, Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Octavia Camps, 2010, "GPCA with Denoising: A Moments-Based Convex Approach", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2009, "Distributional Robustness Analysis for Polynomial Uncertainty", Proceedings of 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • N. Ozay, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2009, "Robust Identification of Switched Affine Systems via Moments-Based Convex Optimization", Proceedings of 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • F. Dabbene, C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2009, "Robust and Chance-Constrained Optimization under Polynomial Uncertainty", Proceedings of the 2009 American Control Conference
  • W. Su, Constantino M Lagoa and H. Che, 2007, "A Family of Optimization-Based Traffic Control Laws for Overlay Networks", Proceedings of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5710-5715
  • F. Dabbene, C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2007, "Robust LMIs with Polynomial Dependence on the Uncertainty", Proceedings of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5646-5651
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and W. Ma, 2007, "Risk Adjusted Identification of a Class of Nonlinear Systems", Proceedings of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5117-5122
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and N. Ozay, 2007, "Risk Adjusted Output Feedback Receding Horizon Control of Constrained Linear Parameter Varying Systems", Proceedings of 2007 European Control Conference
  • I. Ghosh, H. Che, Constantino M Lagoa, M. Kumar and S. Das, 2007, "SoS: A Service Oriented Scalable Traffic Control Architecture for Future Internet", IEEE ICC Workshop on Traffic Engineering in Next Generation IP Networks
  • N. Ozay, M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and O. Camps, 2007, "A sparsification approach to set membership identification of a class of affine hybrid systems", Proceedings of 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 123-130
  • H. Che, M. Gupta, S. Velayutham, Constantino M Lagoa and Z. Wang, 2006, "INTESER: A Integrated Solution to Provide QoS, Traffic Engineering, and Fault Tolerance in an MPLS Network", 18th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS)
  • Y. Cui, H. Che, Constantino M Lagoa and Z. Zheng, 2006, "A Least Interference Path Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering", The 3rd International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-06)
  • H. Che, W. Su, Constantino M Lagoa, K. Xu, C. Liu and Y. Cui, 2006, "An Integrated, Distributed Traffic Control Strategy for the Future Internet", The ACM SIGCOMM INM Workshop 2006
  • Jialing Chen and Constantino M Lagoa, 2006, "Robust Observer Design for a Class of Switched Systems", 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Constantino M Lagoa and Roberto Tempo, 2006, "Computing Hard Bounds for Probabilistic Robustness", 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Jianling Chen and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "Observer Design for a Class of Switched Systems", 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC '05, pp. 2945-2950
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "On the Design of Optimal and Robust Supervisors for Deterministic Finite State Automata", 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC '05, pp. 2745-2750
  • Jialing Chen and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "On the Design of Discrete-Time Fixed-Order Controllers for Persistent Disturbance Rejection", 16th IFAC World Congress
  • Mario Sznaier, Wenjing Ma and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "A Risk Adjusted Approach to Robust Simultaneous Fault Detection and Isolation", 16th IFAC World Congress
  • Mario Sznaier, Wenjing Ma, Muhittin Yilmaz and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "Semi--Blind Robust Identification/Model (In)Validation with Applications to Macro--Economic Modelling", 16th IFAC World Congress


  • E Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S Brennan, 2014, "Vehicle Localization Using In-Vehicle Pitch Data and Dynamical Models", Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
  • Timothy Gilmour, Thyagarajan Subramanian, Constantino M Lagoa and W. Kenneth Jenkins, , "Multiscale autoregressive identification of neuro-electrophysiological systems", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
  • F. Dabbene, C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, , "Robust and Chance-Constrained Optimization under Polynomial Uncertainty"


  • C. Feng, N. Ozay, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2011, "Identification and Model (In)validation of Switched ARX Systems: Moment-Based Approaches"
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2007, "Robust Controller/Observer Design for a Class of Hybrid LPV Systems"
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2006, "On the Convexity of Probabilistically Constrained Linear Programs"
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa, X. Li and A. A. Stoorvogel, 2006, "Risk adjusted receding horizon control of constrained linear parameter varying systems", pp. 293-312
  • Asok Ray, Jinbo Fu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "Optimal Supervisory Control of Regular Languages", pp. 39-70
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Jinbo Fu and Asok Ray, 2005, "Robust optimal control of regular languages", pp. 71-94
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Xiang Li, Maria Cecilia Mazzaro and Mario Sznaier, 2005, "Sampling Random Transfer Functions", pp. 331-364
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "A sliding mode approach to traffic engineering in computer networks", pp. 111-136

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