industryXchange 2023 Poster Session

Session Overview and Format

  • Students and postdoctoral scholars are invited to submit a poster.
  • Posters should highlight a research project related to technologies for the built environment.
  • Size and Format: Posters must be submitted in .PPT format, with embedded audio narration, and must be 48 inches wide by 36 inches tall. Here is Microsoft’s guidance on embedding audio narration in your .PPT.
  • Naming Your File: Title the filename of your poster “YOUR LAST NAME-PSUID-industryXchange2023”.
  • All posters must include embedded audio narration that provides an overview of your research project, like an elevator pitch.
  • Audio should be no longer than 90 seconds.

All posters will be judged by our industry and government attendees. Winners will be announced at industryXchange.


Graduate students and postdoctoral associates are eligible to submit a poster.


The top three posters will be awarded cash prizes.

Virtual Poster Submission Deadlines

All virtual posters and accompanying audio narration should be submitted by Friday, April 14, to Kristin Harpster at

  • Poster Award Sponsor
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