Engineering Faculty Council Committees

Undergraduate Studies (UGS) Committee

This committee is responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and recommending action on all undergraduate course and curriculum proposals submitted by departments in the College. The committee may also consider and recommend action on other matters pertaining to the undergraduate program in the College, whether such matters are referred to the committee or the committee initiates the consideration. Decisions of the committee are advisory to subsequent final votes by EFC.

Undergraduate Studies Committee Members (2023-24)
Member Appointment Voting
Lucas Passmore (ESM, Committee Chair) Appointed Chair by EFC X
Qiushi Chen (IME) Appointed by EFC X
Sachin Gore (ME) Appointed by EFC X
Jacquelyn Huff (SEDI) Appointed by EFC X
Megan Marshall (BE) Appointed by Dean X
David Salvia (EE) Appointed by Dean X
Amanda Johnsen Appointed by EFC X
Brad Sottile (EECS) Faculty Senate, Committee on Curricular Affairs (SCCA) Consultative, non-voting
Ivan Esparragoza (Assistant Dean for Curricular Innovation and Program Assessment) Appointed by Dean; Ex-officio X
Tristan George EFC Undergraduate Student Representative X
Lisa Petrine Administrative Support Consultative, non-voting

Graduate Studies and Research (GS&R) Committee

This committee will be responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and recommending action on all graduate course and curriculum proposals submitted by departments in the college. The committee may also consider and recommend action on other matters pertaining to the graduate program and research in the college, whether such matters are referred to the committee or the committee initiates the consideration. Decisions of the committee are advisory to subsequent final votes by EFC.

Graduate Studies and Research Committee Members (2023-24)
Member Appointment Voting
Keefe Manning Appointed Chair by EFC X
Daning Huang Appointed by EFC X
Jared Butler Appointed by EFC X
Eric Greenwood Appointed by Dean X
Catherine Berdanier Appointed by Dean X
Abrar UI Karim EFC Graduate Student Representative  X
Robert Rabb (Associate Dean for Education) Appointed by Dean; Ex-officio



Eric Donnell (Associate Dean of Research) Appointed by Dean; Ex-officio
Susan Stewart Graduate Council Committee on Programs and Courses Consultative, non-voting
Jason Nachman Administrative Support Consultative, non-voting

Engineering Technology Committee

This committee is responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and recommending action on all engineering technology degree programs and curriculum proposals submitted by non-University Park Engineering/Engineering Technology programs. The committee may also consider and recommend action on other matters pertaining to the engineering technology degree programs and engineering courses offered at non-University Park locations, whether such matters are referred to the committee or the committee initiates the consideration.

Engineering Technology Committee Members (2023-24)
Member Location Voting
Nathaniel Bohna  Penn State Fayette Appointed Chair by EFC X
Tracey Carbonetto Penn State Lehigh Valley Appointed by EFC X
Ivan Esparragoza (Assistant Dean for Curricular Innovation and Program) Ex-officio X

Faculty Equity and Inclusion (FEI) Committee

The Faculty Equity and Inclusivity committee is responsible for promoting faculty equity and inclusivity across the college by serving as a resource for faculty, the EFC, other committees and the dean of the college; identifying issues which warrant consideration by the faculty, the EFC, other committees and the dean of the college; developing recommendations for changes in policies or programs; developing or reviewing materials for improving programs; and developing or reviewing policies or programs to support faculty and their recruitment, mentoring and retention.

Ad Hoc Faculty Equity and Inclusion
Committee Members (2023-24)
Member Appointment
Spencer Szczesny Appointed Chair by EFC; Appointed to Committee by Dean
Rebecca Passonneau Appointed by EFC
Gregory Huff Appointed by EFC
Tamy Guimarães  Appointed by Dean
Enrique Gomez Interim Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion
Shelley Stoffels Associate Dean for Faculty

General Planning Committee

This committee is responsible for faculty input into the long-range planning of the College of Engineering, including identifying timely and pertinent issues which warrant consideration by the Faculty and EFC, assisting the EFC Chair in the development of an annual agenda for EFC activities, developing agendas for EFC meetings, and providing input to the development of college-wide strategic plans.

General Planning Committee Members (2032-24)
Member Position
Robert Leicht EFC Past Chair, Chair of Planning Committee
Stephanie Velegol EFC Chair
Thomas Skibinski EFC Vice Chair
Tracey Carbonetto EFC Secretary
Spencer Szensny FEI Chair
Keefe Manning Graduate Studies and Research Chair
Lucas Passmore Undergraduate Studies Chair
Nathaniel Bohna Engineering Technology Chair
Shelley Stoffels Associate Dean for Faculty, Deans Office Liaison
Amy Corbett Administrative Support